28 January, 2023
Back to events第160回定期演奏会
Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra
Nakano ZERO Large Hall (14:00h)
なかのZERO 大ホール (開演:14:00)
2 Chome-9-7 Nakano, Nakano City, Tokyo, Japan
#160 Subscription Concert
Conductor : Hubert Soudant
Serenade for 13 Wind Instruments in E flat major, Op. 7 / R. Strauss
Poema Alpestre, Op. 21a / Franco Cesarini
Symphonic Poem “Till Eulenspiegel’s Pleasant Mischief”, Op. 28 / R. Strauss/Mark Hindsley
Der Rosenkavalier, Suite / Richard Strauss/Itaru Sakai
指揮 飯森範親(首席客演指揮者)
13管楽器のためのセレナード 変ホ長調 作品7/R.シュトラウス
交響詩「ティル・オイレンシュピーゲルの愉快ないたずら」/R.シュトラウス/M.ハインズレイ 編
歌劇「ばらの騎士」組曲/R.シュトラウス/酒井 格 編
Richard Strauss & Horn, a musical celebration by master musicians!
by Tekka Togashi
At the 153rd Subscription Concert, which was scheduled to be held in April 2021, the Dutch conductor Hubert Soudant, who was supposed to be on stage for the third time, was unable to come to Japan due to the effects of the new coronavirus. Principal Guest Conductor Norichika Iimori was hurriedly decided to take the podium as a substitute, but the event itself was canceled due to the declaration of a state of emergency.
Less than two years have passed since then, and finally, Sudan will officially take the stage with his original programme!
The Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra’s popular repertoire includes many works by Richard Strauss (RS). Many of RS’s songs with rich scales have horns. RS’s father was a professional horn player. For this reason, the horn has been a familiar instrument since childhood. Needless to say, the two horn concertos, but RS’s horn shines conspicuously in a large orchestra.
This time, we have a line-up of RS’s masterpieces in which the horn plays a big role. Sudan himself was a horn player in his youth. You can’t get a better combination than this.
“Serenade for 13 Wind Instruments” was RS’s breakthrough work when he was 18 years old. It was literally written for ’13’ wind instrument players, but although all instruments are in principle composed of two players, only four are designated for the horn.
In the symphonic poem “Till Eulenspiegel’s Pleasant Mischief”, Horn is in charge of the main character Till’s theme. In the original score, there are four people, I to IV, but there are options for V to VIII, and a total of “eight people” part scores are available. Moreover, normally, horn I and III play the high register, and II and IV play the low register, but here the first player has to blow from low to high by himself, which is a very difficult theme. known as This is the first performance of a new arrangement by familiar Koichi Ohashi.
The opera “Knight of the Rose” suite is also a popular piece that is regularly performed again. This also begins with the horn’s <roar> from the beginning. This is the scene of the marshal’s wife. After that, the horn is in charge of all the main scenes. All of them have a unique sound that makes you want to call them “Richard’s Bushi”.
And one more work added like a condiment is Franco Cesarini’s “Poema Alpestre”, which is very popular in Japan. This song was inspired by RS’s Alpine Symphony. Of course, the horn plays a big role here as well.
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